ncl-mode for Emacs!
ncl-mode is a Emacs major mode for editing ncl scripts. The project also also consists several useful features to assist writing ncl scripts. I have used this mode long enough to recommend to anyone who writes ncl scripts with in Emacs. The major features of this packages consists (from the readme:)
Easy code navigation (consistent with other Emacs modes)
Better indentation
Proper comment handling
Imenu support (my favorite)
Menu support
Snippets for yasnippet
auto-complete support
ctags support (ctags generation script included)
ncl-doc-mode minor mode for browsing/searching NCL documentation from NCAR website
inf-ncl.el mode for running NCL within Emacs.
ncl-mode can be easily installed from either MELPA or el-get package managers. Feel free to try and open an issue on github for any feature request.